Went to ahgong's house @ amk.
Didn't went anywhere.
Went to Serangoon to find my mimi.
then head to Serangoon newest shoppingmall which is the biggest shoppingmall in singapore.
Super big and confusing.
Had dinner and head amk hub.
It's snowing! LOL
Head home.
Didn't went anywhere.
Went to Serangoon to find my mimi.
then head to Serangoon newest shoppingmall which is the biggest shoppingmall in singapore.
Super big and confusing.
Had dinner and head amk hub.
It's snowing! LOL
Head home.
It's freezing cold @ -2.2 degree!
Took some illegal photo, as we can't bring camera in.
WHAHAH, fun + cold + scary.
Went shopping w/ mimi again!
Went to somerset and have dinne @ Marche!
Supa nice ttm!
Ate pizza,mushroom soup, watermelon juice, frappe.
Total spend $61.50. WOW!
Then head shopping for clothes.
Went to Nichii, i saw one dress and i love it.
i was dissapointed as there any size for me. D:
Shop until 10.30 and head home. ):
Head to my old home town; Paris Ris.
Cut-ed hair again.
Head to whitesand.
Head home @ 6.30.
Went to Joshua's resturant.
And had lunch.
Spaghetti with Squid Ink!
Yummyyummy! (Y)
And had dessert! Which was so chocolaty!
Head to amkhub, looked for sch bag.
Both none i like. -.-
Bought koi cafe before heading home.
Head back ti my own home. D: